Ordinary Images
“Ordinary” is an upcoming Malayalam film directed by debutante director, Sugeeth P S, who has worked as assistant under veteran director Kamal. Sugeeth turns to an independent film maker through this film produced by N Sudheesh and Rajeev Nair under Lakshminath Creations and Magic Moon Productions. N Sudheesh has already produced Meeshamadhavan under banner Trinity and Pattalam.Film illustrates the Story of a driver (Biju Menon) and a conductor (Kunchakko Boban) in an ordinary bus.
“Ordinary” is an upcoming Malayalam film directed by debutante director, Sugeeth P S, who has worked as assistant under veteran director Kamal. Sugeeth turns to an independent film maker through this film produced by N Sudheesh and Rajeev Nair under Lakshminath Creations and Magic Moon Productions. N Sudheesh has already produced Meeshamadhavan under banner Trinity and Pattalam.Film illustrates the Story of a driver (Biju Menon) and a conductor (Kunchakko Boban) in an ordinary bus.
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